CYBER LIABILITY: Invoice (Manipulation) Fraud Coverage What is more important to a business than invoices? What would happen if a cyber attacker manipulated invoices to steal a business’ expected payments? Many businesses amend their cyber insurance to include invoice manipulation coverage to protect against this type of attack. Take for example when attackers infiltrate...Read More
It could be argued that there has been a sea change in the way Cyber Insurance is viewed by the average business owner. Without a doubt, it’s the most quickly growing segment of Insurance. Companies of all sizes are finally beginning to recognize its importance. Today, business exists in a world where electronic...Read More
Ingrid Raphael-Seplowe Joins the Team Please meet the newest Founders Professional Healthcare team addition – Ingrid Raphael-Seplowe. Ingrid Joined Founders in June 2023. She brings over 30 years of insurance expertise to the team. Before joining Founders, Ingrid worked as a Healthcare Broker at Risk Placement Services for 11 years she focused on the placement...Read More
Municipalities – One of the Toughest Classes of Business to Secure Cyber Insurance July first is known as one the busiest times of the year for municipal cyber insurance. Here at Founders Professional, we are seeing an influx in cyber submissions for this class. Municipalities and other government entities remain one of the toughest classes...Read More
Opportunities Abound in Life Sciences The Life Sciences and Nutraceutical industries must carefully address the unique exposures they face in relation to their service, development, manufacturing, sale, distribution, and warranty of products. Clinical trials, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnology, and dietary supplements all have unique liability challenges that need customized and comprehensive coverages. Products Liability...Read More
March 30,2023 It has been 15 years since federal regulators have closed a failed bank with assets exceeding $100 billion. The last bank was Washington Mutual, which had $300 billion in assets when it failed in 2008. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) made history when it closed its doors early one morning in March this...Read More
How to Select the Best Architects & Engineers Professional Liability Insurance Policy What is Architects & Engineers Professional Liability Insurance (A&E)? Architects & Engineers (A&E) insurance covers alleged errors resulting from the insureds rendering or failure to render professional services that results in bodily injury or property damage. A&E is also available for Land...Read More
Silicon Valley Bank Seized The Potential Fallout from the 2nd-Largest Bank Failure in U.S. History March 13, 2023 By now you’ve likely heard of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) crisis. The bank’s assets were quickly depleted late last week with customers withdrawing over 42 billion US dollars on Thursday. As of late last week,...Read More
How to Reactively Talk to Your Clients about Cyber Insurance By now, you may have spoken to your clients about their cyber exposures and perhaps even presented a quote for coverage. But they still aren’t convinced. To help you explain their cyber exposure and the value of cyber insurance as a form of protection,...Read More
How to Proactively Talk to Your Clients about Cyber Before talking about cyber insurance premiums and the coverage available, it’s important that clients first recognize some of the basic cyber risks faced by their business as many may not know where their major exposures lie or that insurance exists to cover them. To help...Read More